It is of various types like Dyslexia (inability to read), Dyscalculia (inability to understand mathematics), and Dysgraphia (inability to write), Auditory processing disorder, NLD (Non-verbal learning disability) and many more
It comes in many forms and their effects are different from person to person like
- Getting ingormation into the brain (input)
- Making sense of information taken in (organization)
- Storing and retrieving information (Memory)
- Getting information back out (output)
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Individual with LD may have issues in following areas like :
Phonological processing
- Processing individual speech sounds in words
- Holding sounds in sequence in short term memory
- Reading fluency
- Decoding and blending sounds
- Reading comprehension
Language processing
- Understanding verbal instruction
- Expressing oneself
- Vocabulary
- Thinking style
- Remembering things
- Finding and Using of right words and phrases
- Follow fast paced conversation
- Organising ideas for written communication
(a) Verbal
- Ability to take in oral information and to hold in mind
- Ability to remember math facts(time tables etc)
- Ability to remember the order of math operations ( borrowing or carrying)
- Ability to keep track of group conversations or follow lectures
(b) Workingl
- Ability to hold information in mind
- Multitasking or can think more than one thing at a time
- Ability to follow multi step instructions
- Ability to keep track of story characters and plot lines while sounding out new Words
- Ability to take in visual information and hold in mind
- Ability to remember differences between letters
- Performance in visual based subjects I.e mapping in geography , labelling diagrams in science, remembering faces
(c) Visual
- Ability to take in visual information and hold in mind
- Ability to remember differences between letters
- Performance in visual based subjects I.e mapping in geography , labelling diagrams in science, remembering faces
Visual spatial performance
(a) Visual perceptual
- Ability to make sense of what one sees like reading a map, following a sewing Pattern
(b) Visual motor
- Eye hand coordination
- Motor planning
- Ability to print or copy
- Ability of writing ( fatigue, pen pr pencil pressure, speed)
- Orientation of body in space
- ADL skills
- Concept of left and right
Processing speed
- Speed of processing information
- Ability of making sense of what is said or organising thoughts.
- Completion of tasks on time( blackboard copying)
Executive functioning
- Ability to start or stop actions
- Ability to change behaviour as needed
- Ability to plan or organise
- Ability to be flexible and adaptive to new situations.
- Generalisability
- Self monitoring
Mental health
- Feeling of anxiety
- Feeling of depression
- Feeling of low self esteem
- Social relationships ( isolation. Rejection, loneliness)
- Bullying at school
- It is a neurological syndrome that causes a person to have difficulty interprating and understanding nonverbal cues in the environment. The name of the disorder is confusing which states that person is non-verbal but he can speak and expresses well ..it is the non-verbal communication he has problem in like interpreting waves, smiles etc
- Sensory integration therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Remedial tutoring for improving academic performance using jolly phonics and grammar, sonday system etc
- Shadow teaching at regular /inclusive school
- Speech and communication therapy
- Brain gym
- Handwriting without tears program
- Pre-vocational training
- Group sessions for developing social skills